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端午 DuanWu

发布时间:2024-06-06 浏览次数:


The Dragon Boat Festival (端午节 or Duānwǔjié in pīnyīn) is an official public holiday in China. This traditional holiday, also called the Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month of the Chinese lunar calendar (农历).The word ‘Duan’ in Duanwujie means ‘beginning’ or ‘initial’.


In modern times, the most popular story explaining the origins of the Dragon Boat Festival concerns the death of Qu Yuan (屈原, Qū Yuán), a poet of the Warring States period (approx. 475 to 221 BC).


Qu Yuan is said to have been loyal and patriotic his whole life. He served faithfully as a government official in the State of Chu for some time. After being slandered by another official, however, he was sent into exile. When he realized the decline of Chu was beyond recovery, his remorse knowing he could no longer save it grew stronger and stronger. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he threw himself into the Miluo river and died for his beloved homeland. Since then, people would


Upon hearing news of this tragic attempt, villagers took boats and carried dumplings to the middle of the river to try and save Qu Yuan, but their efforts were in vain. They turned to beating drums, splashing water with their paddles and throwing the rice dumplings into the water – serving as both an offering to Qu Yuan’s spirit, as well as a means to keep the fish and evil spirits away from his body. These rice dumplings became the zongzi we know today, while the search for Qu Yuan’s body became the intense dragon boat races. And that day became what we know the Dragon Boat Festival(龙舟节).


Another possible explanation for the origins of the festival is linked to superstitions surrounding the date on which it falls.



Traditionally, the fifth lunar month was considered to be an unlucky time. People in certain regions of China believed that during this month, the dreaded five poisonous animals (五毒, wǔdú,centipedes, poisonous snakes, scorpions, lizards and toads), started to come out of their winter hiding places.

传统上,农历五月被认为是一个不吉利的时间。中国某些地区的人们认为,在这个月里,可怕的五种有毒动物(五毒, wõdú、蜈蚣、毒蛇、蝎子、蜥蜴和蟾蜍),开始从它们的冬季藏身之地出来。

In addition to the threat posed by the reemergence of poisonous animals, it was also believed that people were more prone to falling ill around this time.


Over the years, various traditions emerged to help ensure that people were protected from illness and bad luck during the dreaded Double Fifth. One such tradition that has survived to this day and is still incorporated into modern Dragon Boat Festival celebrations is the custom of hanging mugwort(艾蒿) and calamus(菖蒲) branches on one’s door to ward off evil spirits.



1. Dragon Boat Racing

Dragon boat racing is the most important activity of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said to originate from the legend of people paddling out on boats to seek the body of patriotic poet Qu Yuan.


There is another explanation. It is believed that dragon boat racing can be traced back to over 2,000 years ago, when it was a way to worship the Dragon God or Water God.


The wooden boats are shaped and decorated in the form of a Chinese dragon. The boats' size varies by region and usually need 30-60 people to paddle them. During the races, dragon boat teams paddle harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by the sound of beating drums. It is said that the winning team will have good luck and a happy life in the following year.


2. Eating Sticky Rice Dumplings

Zongzi (粽子) are the most traditional Dragon Boat Festival food. Related to Qu Yuan commemoration, the legend says that lumps of rice were thrown into the river to stop fish eating his drowned body.

粽子(粽子) 都是端午节最传统的食物。与纪念屈原有关的传说是,人们把一块块大米扔进河里,以阻止鱼吃掉他的尸体。

Zongzi are made of glutinous rice filled with meats, beans, and other fillings. They are wrapped in triangle or rectangle shapes within bamboo or reed leaves and tied with soaked stalks or colorful silky cords. The flavors of zongzi are usually different from one region to another across China. People from north prefer sweet zongzi, while people from south like savory ones.


3. Hanging Chinese Mugwort and Calamus

On the fifth day of the fifth month, people usually clean their houses, courtyards, and hang mugwort and calamus on doors lintels to discourage diseases. It is also said hanging mugwort and calamus can bring good luck to the family.


4. Drinking Realgar Wine(雄黄酒)

In ancient times, people believed that realgar was an antidote for all poisons, and effective for killing insects and driving away evil spirits. So, people would drink some realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.


5. Wearing sachet(香包)

On Dragon Boat Festival, parents also need to dress their children up with a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines(草药), and finally string them with silk threads. The sachet will be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. They are said to be able to ward off evil.


6. Tying five-color silk thread(系五色丝线)

Tying five brightly-colored decorative rings around children's wrists, ankles and necks during the Dragon Boat Festival is said to help the child ward off pests.



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